Auto-Indexing Objections and Certified Questions in Eclipse

Now that we’ve got the basic indices out of the way in Eclipse, it’s time to explore objection and certified question indices. Not all court reporters need to index these, but it’s helpful to know how to do it just in case. We already explored the anatomy of an index code and how to create… Continue reading Auto-Indexing Objections and Certified Questions in Eclipse

Auto-Indexing Objections and Certified Questions in Case CATalyst

For this month’s post, I’ll continue my series on auto-indexing, going back to Case CATalyst, but this time I’m going to show you how to index objections and certified questions (or just questions that the witness has been instructed not to answer). If you do not need to index such things, that’s great! I have… Continue reading Auto-Indexing Objections and Certified Questions in Case CATalyst

Auto-Indexing with Multiple Exhibits in Eclipse

As promised last month, I am going to show you how to index multiple exhibits on the same page. First, let’s take a look at our single-exhibit marking parenthetical, just for a refresher. A parenthetical for two exhibits would say something like “Exhibits # and # marked for identification,” while more than two would need… Continue reading Auto-Indexing with Multiple Exhibits in Eclipse

Auto-Indexing in Eclipse

Having covered the basics of auto-indexing in both the largely popular Case CATalyst and the less popular, but relatively inexpensive, DigitalCAT, I felt that it was now time to cover those basics in the other most popular CAT program, Advantage’s Eclipse. Like Case, Eclipse uses files which are included during writing, with details filled in… Continue reading Auto-Indexing in Eclipse

Creating Index Templates in Case CATalyst

Now that you’ve got your exhibit marking and examination parentheticals or headers created, it’s time to create and/or modify an Index Template. Obviously, the easiest way to make an Index Template that fits your needs is to figure out which of the ones provided by Case CATalyst most closely suits your needs, and then modify… Continue reading Creating Index Templates in Case CATalyst

Auto-indexing with Multiple Exhibits

Last time, I went over how to do basic auto-indexing.  For this post, I will explain how to encode multiple exhibits in the same parenthetical.  Next time, I will show you how to create your own Index Template and/or how to modify an existing one. Two Exhibits For two exhibits, creating the parenthetical with the… Continue reading Auto-indexing with Multiple Exhibits