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Please update your website bookmarks to www.thornburgwande.com, and change your contact email for me to thornburgwritingandediting@gmail.com.

A smiling woman with short-cropped brown-blond hair in front of some greenery wearing a white shirt with flowers on it and red plastic-rimmed glasses.My name is Darcy Ann Smittenaar Thornburg, and I offer scoping and proofreading services.

I love the written word, and enjoy it even more when it is coherent and the meaning of a piece is clear. It is this aspect of language that I have chosen to focus on–keeping the meaning of a text coherent and readable.

I currently hold an associate’s degree in English literature and a bachelor’s degree in applied linguistics, and I have taken 18 credits toward a master’s degree in historical linguistics since the fall of 2017. I specialize in scoping and proofreading transcripts for court reporters and stenographers.

As a scopist, I work with these professionals to . . .

  • EDIT transcripts, with or without audio backup, to create a record from translated stenographic notes in Stenograph’s Case CATalyst, Advantage’s Eclipse, or Stenovations’ DigitalCAT.
  • BUILD a translation dictionary to make translation smoother as more records are produced.
  • SUGGEST briefs and strokes to improve writing efficiency.
  • GIVE technical support, including auto-indexing, include files, and more.
  • RESEARCH names and addresses of people, places, and entities, to ensure proper spelling, capitalization, and factual data.
  • PUNCTUATE the record of the spoken word so that it retains its proper meaning while following the reporter’s preferred punctuation rules reference.
  • TRANSLATE stenographic notes which have not been translated by the CAT software.
  • CORRECT mistranslated words and/or phrases.
  • MAKE a transcript as close to turn-in ready as possible, so that the reporter does not have to go “off book” to edit their own work.
  • ENSURE that all factual information (names, addresses, etc.) is correct.

As a proofreader, I can . . .

  • FIND typographic and stenographic errors in their transcripts, such as misspellings, transposed words, usage of the wrong homonyms/homophones, etc.
  • SPOT inconsistencies in transcript formatting, and apply the state’s, county’s, city’s, or agency’s formatting rules to each transcript.
  • CORRECT punctuation or suggest punctuation which better reflects a given speaker’s meaning.
  • SUGGEST words and phrases that may not have been properly understood when the reporter created the transcript. Example: The reporter may have heard “bunch housing,” but the judge probably said “Munchausen.”
  • RESOLVE inconsistencies in transcript text, such as matching page numbers in the index of exhibits to the page numbers on which the exhibits were first introduced.
  • PROVIDE the proper spelling and/or usage of legal, medical, and other terms, according to the context of each transcript.

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